Thursday, October 7, 2010

Still Sober....

Well, here I am. I'm getting more and more bitter that I can't look forward to a glass or two of wine at the end of the, I'm trying to make up for it in whine.

My energy level, physical pain, and stamina don't feel to be positively affected by my abstinence. Believe it or not, I'm considering that good news. I lean strongly towards my hormones as the culprits in my debilitating lethargy, and I'm not particularly interested in pursuing other causes or corrections. I'm hoping to out grow it.

I'm still committed in my resolve not to drink. I do need to drop some weight and I can't imagine having to cut back on food, or increase my physical activity. The older I get, the less inclined I am to suffer. Just as, at one time, I could go without sleep, but now I feel physically ill when I'm sleep-deprived, when I'm feeling hungry, it's almost unbearable, where 10 years ago, it was the norm. As for exercise, I've been experiencing a steady decline in what I'm capable of, as well as what I'm willing to endure.

This isn't a lack of will or an issue remedied by mind-over-matter. Believe me, the spirit is willing....I just hurt. So, I am where I am. I'm looking forward to telling PhD and Master's, when we visit next weekend, that I haven't had a drink in THREE WEEKS! I'm looking forward to feeling a bit slimmer when Tall One and I head off to Costa Rica at the beginning of next month!

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