Monday, October 11, 2010


I live a charmed life. Well, maybe not "charmed". Not everything I touch turns to gold...but, it doesn't all turn to shit, either. I live a good life, a happy life, a fulfilling life...which would be greatly enhanced by a couple of glasses of wine!

I purchased a Barbara Holland book, after reading her obituary. That's sad isn't it...that death is our introduction...but, that's a bit cerebral and morbid for 8:30a.m. (note to self: topic for post, Bogus Journeys) The book is titled, "The Joy of Drinking"...

I also found another blog to add my growing list of inspiration. I found it through another blog that was recommended by yet another! a network. I really, really enjoy reading Heather Armstrong, really, really, really enjoy Heather ( I happened to read some of the "comments" to her most recent post and stumbled onto "One Perfect Word" ( has promise (she's very talented, I'm talking "promise" in becoming a "favorite" of mine).

Then, I decided I should get off my ass and do something that other people consider "constructive". So I GOT DRESSED! Even TOOK A SHOWER! I'm telling you, I'm oozing into old age...I'm preoccupied with how I feel, and it all has to do with pain and deterioration! Just today, I realized that I'm starting to care less about body hair...I don't shave nearly as compulsively as I once did...and caring for the pubes rarely enters into it at all, now. Of course, there's a lot less to care for.

I was contemplating exercising to my yoga video...Wouldn't just THAT (the contemplation) count as existential exercise?...and then I remembered that Daughter and I wanted to take a walk after our obligatory visit with Nana. There are three Grands involved in "the walk": one double stroller and one single. The single had a flat tire. So, I decided to change the tire.

Changing tires is NOT rocket science, but it is profanity inducing, and you can add it to the list of things one shouldn't attempt while NOT drinking...

Anyway, after the tire change is complete, I'm looking around and thinking about how much I HATE the does NOT look like an organizational article in Better Homes and Gardens...and I notice a new piece of machinery. WHAT is that...oh, an electric winch! Hummmm....I'm reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (isn't EVERYONE?), so now I'm a little concerned....(to be continued)...

Pshew! It's ok. The winch is for the LAWN that the Tall One can clean the blades...nothing kinky...nothing sadistic...unless you happen to be a lawn mower blade, or have a fetish for same...


Kristi DeMeester said...

Thank you so much for the compliments, and I admire your courage to document this part of your life.

I'll definitely be reading!

I'm the Short One. said...

Kristi, woohoo! My first non-family comment on Excellent Adventures! I'm honored and a little flustered!
It's not really THAT dramatic a documentation...I haven't lost my home, husband, family or job to drink...just my waistline!