Tuesday, April 8, 2008

True Love Promotes Necessary Escape

I love my DVR. I don't know how I lived without it. Time before we had a DVR seems dim and distant with a slight tinge of yellow around the edges, like a fading black and white photograph that wasn't developed very well on cheap paper (or enhanced with the Sienna setting in Photoshop)....
I have one DVR timer set to record "Torchwood". If I'm ever sad or burned out or bored, or if I'm happy and a new episode's just been recorded, I watch multiple times, over and over, until I have them memorized. I skip backward and forward to get all the dialog's nuances. I like all the "Torchwood" characters. I really like Capn' Jack. I wish he were in charge of my life. He HAS got it all figured out, but, he lets the "team" work out destiny for themselves. He exerts just the right amount of control and he's never, ever wrong. I like Ianto, too. Perfect manservant with a sharp mind of his own, and an understated sense of humor. I always like the women on the BBC. They are just so normal. Not perfect looking. Real. I like all the rift activity, and aliens, and abnormal, paranormal, psychic ....whatever. The characters never appear self-conscience even though they find themselves in very compromising situations. Alright, Tosh may be a little timid and apologetic about her unrequited love of Owen. And, I do think that Owen gets shot just entirely too much.
I also record and watch "Doctor Who". Eons ago, I watched "Doctor Who" on PBS. The TV was about 4 inches square and a one hour episode took about 4 1/2 to watch because of all the fund raising breaks. But, the kids were little and Tom Baker's "Doctor Who" was the only escape going. It's hard when the Doctor regenerates, but I've gotten used to every one. Same with the ever changing side-kicks.
I wish I could time travel. I wish I had a Tartis that was the size of a police box on the outside, but big as a stadium inside, with gadgets, and levers and screens, and buttons and lights, and the distinctive, "whoosh, whoosh" demented washing machine sound. I don't know where I'd go first. Just spin the dial and take my chances. I'd take Capn' Jack and Ianto along. Gwen could hold down the "Torchwood" fort till we got back, 10 minutes later - time travel and all, after saving nearly extinct species on the brink of universal obliteration while battling the Daleks and engaging in witty banter over the kick-ass soundtrack. All this, after I regenerated into someone strongly resembling a cross between Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 with Sigorney Weaver in Aliens. Oh, yea....

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