Friday, April 18, 2008

Responsibility, not!

Wow, I'm tired. I'm so tired I decided to change fonts, just to be different! I know a lot about fonts because of our business. Tall One is napping. It's 7:15 in the evening...that is how pathetic we've become. Fonts and naps....

Tonight, I have resolved NOT to refill my wine glass until it is empty. I'm thinking that this way I will have a more accurate measure of how much wine I'm actually drinking. Doesn't that sound reasonable? I'm feeling quite responsible.

Lately, we have become, as we were in the past, responsible. Life was so good, for an extended period of time, that we'd forgotten to be responsible. Business was good, the credit cards were so handy and we don't really believe in global we've become a bit conspicuous in our spending and habits. I am using the plural personal pronoun on purpose. I am not taking sole irresponsibility responsibility. The decline has been a group effort.

So, now, once again, we are on a "budget". We have these envelopes, in our desk, in a drawer, in a file folder (hanging). Every two weeks, Tall One goes to the bank and brings home CASH to put into these envelopes. We then spend according to our budget. I have taken this very seriously! You should see me with the "grocery" money. The envelope is actually marked "Food", but, this amount needs to cover things like toilet paper, detergent, and feminine hygiene products. I have accepted this without a whimper. I've always clipped coupons, but, now, it's a means for personal artistic expression! I'm planning meals around "specials". This is something I have not done since the children were in diapers. I am operating within "budget". I'm experiencing a great deal of satisfaction from this.

I have my own "personal" envelope, as does Tall One. I am operating within budget on this, too. I have used "my" money for greeting cards, alcohol, and some food items. I do not feel particularly "put upon". I'm feeling proud. I am contributing to our greater good. I am operating UNDER budget on the "gas" money! Woo Hoo! Even with soaring prices...I AM THE MAN! Even with an 800 mile round trip to and from Ohio...I AM A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW! We are now planning how to blow the windfall! Stay tuned.

We have become environmentally responsible as well. We have replaced a great deal of our light bulbs with the government approved florescent curlicue ones. They're ok, I'm getting used to them. Although, I did read an editorial that if one of them breaks, you need to call in a hazmat team 'cause of the mercury vapor. What is it about mercury? Thank GOD for digital thermometers! If we could only control it in tuna!
We have also retired our second refrigerator. According to Tall One, the refrigerator is a behemoth energy sucker. Thank GOD for my organization skills! We'll use a cooler for parties!
I'm also more than willing to keep our thermostat at a constant temperature. Thank GOD for my forbearance! And cute cardigans...and ceiling fans in the summer!
We recycle. Thank GOD!

Responsibility begins at home, and in the home business. Tell Oprah, or Dr. Phil, or even Rachel Ray. I'll divide the honorarium among the envelopes. And you better believe we'll be squandering any excess!

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