Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ok, I've lost count! But, be that as it may, so far, so good! Trite cliches rock!

Yesterday went well. I didn't need to take a nap in the afternoon. I watched some T.V. with Tall One in the evening. The new season opener of "Desperate Housewives", yay! and, the new show, "The Event" which has possibilities although, I'm leery...it could deteriorate a la "24", and that would be disappointing.

The DVR allows us to watch two hours of shows in an hour and a half, so by 9:30pm I was upstairs getting ready for bed and settling down to read. The last couple of nights I haven't sleep soundly, but it's not awful tossing and turning, just longer wakefulness and more frequent trips to the toilet. I am remembering what I read, and not having to reread entire sections while fighting to focus.

In spite of the sleep issue, which may not even be an issue, just a difference...I woke up at 6:06a.m. feeling quite well. I did a half hour on the Nordic, showered, and after a couple of chores, it's 8:55a.m. I'm feeling productive and not draggy.

This bodes well for the "booze hiatus"...but, in order to be completely definitive, I'll have to go through a couple of monthly cycles (making an exception for Costa Rica). "Feeling well" could be attributed to the 20-minutes of relief
that I experience every couple of months from hormonal insanity . I imagine this is what "normal" feels like. It's interesting that 5 minutes a month, can define "normal"...but, I'm clinging to it!

I'm encouraged. I'm not feeling uncontrollable cravings for my wine. I'm not eating more to compensate...in fact, I'm not mindlessly grazing, as I have been, while enjoying that second glass after dinner.

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