Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day One (actually Two, but, well....)

Morning. Sunday. Day two.

I'm going to try posting every morning for a few weeks. Yesterday, I determined, (after seeing some candid pictures of myself) that middle-aged-spread is not the look I'm going for. My diet isn't bad. What I've been doing is sucking down obscene amounts of alcohol calories. Obscene for me...not on the scale of AA meeting obscene.

I've also been dealing with fatigue. Crushing fatigue. This isn't new either. It goes back years. But, alcohol is a depressant after all, and I'm sure it's not helping.

I don't have the energy or the inclination to exercise like I want/need to.

But, I do like my wine. I'm not about to give up, forever, my glass of red with dinner, but, I need to get a base line reading. I need to drop some pounds. So I set some goals.

I'm not going to drink until Tall One and I leave for Costa Rica at the beginning of November. This is five weeks. I will have a good idea by then if abstinence helps my energy level. I fully expect to have lost a few pounds.

I'm going to begin, in earnest, my "training program" for the mudder I want to enter in April with Daughter. I enjoy a run, usually on a Saturday morning. I'm running 3 1/2 miles right now, and I want to add on an additional walk of three miles by the middle of October. I, most weeks, have a "short" run some other time during the week.

I also want to get into the gym once a week to lift. Monday morning is my target day.

And, just because I think it might be good to establish a routine. I will be waking at 6am each day. Sleeping still makes me bitter....such a waste.

So, that's it. So far, so good. I drank diet sodas at the Pub. I ran yesterday. I did not get up at 6am this morning...but, it's the weekend...

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