Friday, April 23, 2010

It Doesn't Take Much...

Ahhhhhh.....Spring! This has been a beautiful day. Clear, bright, warm - not hot - blue sky, green everywhere, bird song and now - a few high wispy clouds, a fire in the Chimenea on our wood deck adjacent to our wooden barn-home (I know, but you've got to take risks!), I'm nearly finished with my second glass of wine, and Tall One's sitting here beside me (well, actually, catty-corner on the old Adirondack chair that hurts his back). Life is good.

I've probably mentioned something, here or in "Bogus Journeys", about the confiscation of farmland adjacent to our property for a housing development...That is progressing slowly, but surely, but now I'm thinking that our landscaping of trees will be sufficiently grown before suburbia finishes encroaching, that we won't feel but a twinge! (Thank you "Intrusive Government" for the slack housing market!)

There is a favorite Irish punk band playing at our favorite town bar....and as much as I want to go...I'm exhausted and trying to figure a way just stay home and sleep! How lame.

Tall One has his weekly golfing outing early tomorrow morning. Last week we kept the grand-boys overnight and Tall One took Larger golfing. I had to drag MY sorry butt out of bed at 5:30am to make sure they took lunch and drinks...and that Larger's hair was combed and he had pants on! They had a ball! Smaller and I spent the morning together, and Lovely Grand-girl spent her time at "Daddy-day" while Daughter worked. Everyone rendezvoused here after nap-time!

Tomorrow, I think, I have a day off. Who knows what will really happen. My mother could call with a scooter-crisis...she just got her own personal mobility device today, and I'm sure there will be a learning curve. Dude could call for help with the Grands. Hell could freeze over and worlds collide, or MRSA could strike and I could end up spending the week at the ER....but probably NOT!

So, I'm looking forward to sleeping in (after I take the phone call from Nana promptly at 7:55am cause "Clean This House" starts at 8). Catching up with some people I love via email. And, playing with my virtual pets!

Simple pleasures...demented personality...

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