Saturday, June 6, 2009

Political Pondering...

Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I posted! Lots of cool stuff has happened. One of those things is SuperPoke Pets...I know you don't believe me! I've met a couple of really interesting people and I'll talk more about that in a future post. But, one of the people I have met asked me for my "vote" on a pole concerning President Obama's performance thus far. Here is my answer:

Hi *****, I owe you my "vote" on the Obama question. For what it's worth;-}

I have definite political ideological opinions...they are not often supported by quotable facts, and I'm ridiculously suspicious of statistics. I have dear friends, and some acquaintances that I enjoy, that hold vastly opposing views to my own. While my friends know where I stand, I don't publicly rub it in their faces, my acquaintances are much more vocal (committed?) than I am to their views and I choose not to try and dissuade them. But, I'm never opposed to dialogue...I just don't often initiate it in the areas of politics or religion. This can be viewed as apathy or cowardice, I choose to call it "loving acceptance".

I followed your dialogue on the health care issue. We probably hold very similar views. I did not vote for Pres. Obama, I am not a socialist. In my perfect world, social issues would be handled on a community level through private philanthropy. I like small federal government. I believe they should support the military and defend our borders...I'd even go so far as to let them build our roads. I doubt that I am a libertarian...but, that would probably most closely resemble any label put to my opinions.

On some social issues I'm very conservative on others liberal, but I don't think the proper way to handle social issues is through our government. I don't like abortion, but I'd never vote on legislation either way. If you don't like abortion, stop protesting, picketing, and open your home and heart to a woman that's at the end or her resources! On another topic, I am not opposed to gay marriage. I don't believe it undermines my commitment to my husband, I don't think it will destroy the fabric of our society. I want dearly for my gay friends to find what they are looking for in a relationship, just as I want that for my hetero friends. I really try very hard not to think about any one else's sex life at all! I don't want government censor or sanction!

I'm disgruntled by our entitled attitude to welfare support. But, I will take advantage of what the government is offering. I have applied on my mother's behalf for government energy assistance, and paid medicare coverage. We are in the process of procuring a grant for some home modifications that are necessary for her to remain in the condo that Ron and I own, and that she pays a small rental fee to live in. But, if these programs weren't available, I wouldn't expect the government to take care of her. I would not lobby or vote for this type of government aid.

I'm a bit of a sceptic. I don't support our President or his policies, foreign or domestic...but I don't see Armageddon looming on the horizon because he is in office. I view politics as a corrupted "game". One, I'm not interested in playing. I feel it is important to stay informed, to weigh differing opinions, beliefs, and courses of action, and then act responsibly according to one's own convictions. I vote.

So, this is the "nut-shell", "wishy-washy" version of my manifesto!

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