Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Season!

OH, Holy Cow! I was going to start some profound post on a truly socially revolutionary topic that would challenge and change the thinking of a whole generation and perhaps usher in an era of world peace and make government obsolete (cause I'm sick unto death of this election coverage!) and health care affordable, and trans-fat good for you...but this is so much more important!

The new season of "Desperate Housewives" starts tonight! Hooray, bring on the band, and the wine and cheese! Start the fire, crank up the volume, and turn off the phone! The girls are back! Can you tell I'm psyched?

I (actually, "we", Tall One is as much a fan as I) got on the bandwagon late. It was sometime after the SECOND season. A dear friend of mine (and dearer now for the joy she's wrought) told me about the DVD collection that her sister had bought her. It was the first season of "Desperate Housewives" and she'd just finished watching it and would I like to borrow it? Now, I had heard from another friend, whose opinion I trust, that "DW" was "not what you think it is". Eerily compelling observation, with a tinge of a dare...So, why not? We were into the summer, series hiatus's and there was nothing to watch on the 4389 channels of satellite TV....NOTHING I tell you...

We are so hooked! We devoured the first season, by then Dear Friend loaned us the second season and we were almost up to date. Thank God for show reruns on the computer. Yes, Tall One and I actually huddled around our 15" computer monitor to watch a few episodes that we couldn't catch in repeats. Now you know how sad we are...but it gets worse....or better...

The girls have become some of our best friends. The only friends we hold dearer are the cast of "Nip/Tuck". Seriously, Tall One and I have talked about Christian, Sean, and the gang like we know them...but we're not talking about them now! We're talking about Linette, Gabby, Brie, Susan, and even Edie and Katherine. Yes, it's true, I can't remember the names of immediate family members, but I know all about these women, and their husbands, former husbands, and kids, neighbors, extended families, hideous crimes, psychotic breaks...and secrets, so very, many secrets. WooHoo, they're back, and guess what I'm going to be doing at 9pm tonight! Recording the show! That's right! I can't be trusted to watch (or be able to watch) a show at 9pm on a Sunday night. I might be tired, I might be inclined to read, I might still have the grandsons over...At any rate, I TAKE NO CHANCES! And I will probably want it watch it twice. I love my DVR!

I have even visited the official website. I took the "Which Desperate Housewife Are You?" quiz. I was hoping for "Linette", but I scored higher for "Brie". I just got finished watching some "Highlights" and "Moments on the Red Carpet". I wish I had time to re-watch last season, even though this season apparently "starts fresh". Ohhhh, I'm giddy as a school girl on prom night...

If only I could garner this much enthusiasm for finding a cure for world hunger...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although I do enjoy watching the show,I don't know their names, I'm not giddy and I still watch football (just in case you thought I might be just a little gay).
The tall one.