Friday, September 12, 2008

To Rant, or Not To Rant.

I'm bound and determined to post something today. I'm not opening my bottle of wine or starting to read my new library book until I do. I'm in the mood for a rant, but haven't been able to get up the energy. So much lame stuff has been touted out as news lately.

1). Raising the driving age/Lowering the drinking age

2). The double standard for Republican Women

3). This headline on the internet, "Depressed Moms in Violent Homes Twice as Likely to Hit Kids, Spousal arguing also increased frequency with which mothers slapped children, study says"

I probably don't even need to add my commentary...but, it's my blog.

Re: 1). Ok, let me see if I've got this straight. Legislators, at the urging of insurance company lobbyists armed with statistics, want to raise the legal driving age to 17 or 18. Apparently, 16 year-olds are not mature enough to drive 1/2 ton vehicles at ludicrously fast speeds while drinking a coke, eating a Big Mac, listening to their ipod, and text messaging their friends. But, a year of two later they have it all together, just fine thank you. I've never seen a thirty year old talking on their cell phone, applying makeup and drinking coffee while driving, have you?
And, the heads of our illustrious colleges and universities want the drinking age lowered, to let's say 18, to make alcohol education more feasible. The students'll listen better after a few beers, maybe...
How about this? Let's teach our children about choices and responsibility and consequences from infancy. We as their adult role models could demonstrate socially acceptable behavior instead of just educating them with hollow words and ineffective programs? Just my opinion....

Re: 2). A few days ago on a national morning television program, I heard a pollster (you can't get much higher credentials these days) ask, in regards to Sarah Palin's Vice Presidential qualifications: "Shouldn't she be home in Alaska, getting her son ready to deploy?" What the....?
I am the anti-feminist, Bizarro Women's Rights Girl. I chose thirty years ago to stay at home with my children and I'm still basically, there. I honestly and truly believe that there is no higher calling, no more worthy occupation than keeping a home and raising children. And, I was offended. Nobody ever said anything like that about Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi and got away with it. But the commentator is sort of nodding his head and then they're asking each other about Governor Palin's responsibilities to her special needs child, and I had to physically leave the room or risk smashing the TV. Perhaps it's PMS....

Re: 3). This was a U.S. study. Please God, let it have been privately funded...but, I doubt it. And, now I AM going to open that bottle of wine...

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