Friday, June 11, 2010


4:10pm....50 more minutes and I can have a drink....kidding!....NOT!

It's actually been an OK day. Nothing bad happened. Everyone seems to be in acceptable spirits.... My massage was canceled for next Tuesday...but, we're rescheduling...The grands are taking their nap. I should probably call my mother-in-law...but, I'm not guilt ridden.

So, why the need for that therapy-in-a-bottle? Alcoholism! Kidding! Really, this time I AM kidding...

Some days I just don't have it in me....know what I mean? I'm ready for nothing. Everything is an effort. It's not that I'm tired or stressed...I'm just...ready for a glass of wine and some mindless TV. Or just a glass of wine...

I sat down to peruse some of my favorite blogs. I don't follow anything religiously, but there are a few bloggers I really like, some funny, one thought provoking (you don't need too many thought provoking bloggers), and even that was just "eh?". I'm not even real excited to check on Facebook, or play Farmtown - two of my favorite useless diversions. But, that's probably exactly what I'm going to do with a before-dinner-aperitif!

4:27pm. In just a couple of minutes to an hour, Nana will call for the evening "check-in". She's old, and riddled with arthritis, a heart murmur, and a superiority complex. But, while most of her ailments will never be cured, and most of her pain can't be alleviated, and she's too old to expect a change of attitude......I'M coping...I have support...and a box of Cabernet.

I bet you think I have a problem....

4:45pm. Yes, I know, it's 5 o'clock SOMEWHERE. Five o'clock is not the magic drinking -switch...but, there's something too decadent about having a drink before 5pm, except on Saturday or Sunday - or, Saturday AND Sunday. Sometimes I have a glass of wine with lunch on the weekend...but not always...and it's not for the same reason I'll take a drink tonight.

Tonight, I'm finished...just played out...for no reason at all...and that, in my opinion is the BEST reason to open up that bottle, sit on the deck, and order out for dinner!

It's 4:54, 4:55, FIVE PM....Who's with me.....

P.S. 7:13pm....I'm just sitting down (in my comfy easy chair with hassock) with my glass of wine...and left overs dinner...all's right with the world...