Monday, March 31, 2008

Never thought I'd find this blog again.....

Thank God for Google. It's truly a minor miracle that I ever again found this blog. I'm having problems with blogging...obviously.
First, I must post to my blog. I really, really want to write a good book (wait for it, this does apply). It doesn't have to be the great American novel (or even the great Uzbekistan novel), just a good, gripping story with some interesting twists and a bang up, surprise ending. But on our recent trip to Greece (I know, what happened to Egypt??) I experienced an epiphany. In order to be a published writer, one must first and foremost, write, prolifically. I think this means blogging (told you it would apply), journaling (hiss), short stories, letters, emails.....not to mention actually working on my books, outlines, plot ideas, many words, so little time....
Second, when I read other people's blogs I feel like a voyeur. So, I'll try and maintain the mystique of anonymity. You'll like that. It's a "hook".
Third, do I really want all these impersonal, unknown Internet voyeurs reading my posts? You bet I do, this is the second one since August. Here we go............

But I digress (get used to it). I remembered setting up this blog, but couldn't for the life of me remember which site I had used. I thought I'd have to start over. And I remembered the first time having to be quite dedicated when getting this up and running, even though the site is probably featured in "Blogging for Dummies." I wasn't at all sure I still had it in me. But thanks to the miracle that is Goggle....all is not lost.
I originally thought that I would try and chronicle our trips in some memorable way, perhaps, chronologically, but maybe not. That could be boring. Maybe, this will be a blog filled with my random thoughts. Not at all boring. They (my random thoughts), are all a part of our "Excellent Adventures", so the theme holds....